ഓം നമഃ ശിവായ

ഓം നമഃ ശിവായ
"ക൪മ്മണ്യേവാധികാരസ്തേ മാ ഫലേഷു കദാചനഃ മാ ക൪മ്മഫലഹേതു൪ഭൂ൪മാതേ സംഗോസ്ത്വക൪മ്മണി" നിനക്ക് ക൪മ്മം ചെയ്യുവാന് മാത്രമേ അധികാരമുള്ളൂ. ക൪മ്മത്തിന്റെ ഫലത്തില് ഒരിക്കലും ആശിക്കരുത്. ക൪മ്മഫലത്തില് സംശയാലുവായ നിനക്ക് ക൪മ്മം ചെയ്യാതിരിക്കാനുള്ള മനസ്സും ഉണ്ടാവരുത്.

Monday, August 25, 2014

Todays thought

Strength If things are not turn­ing out right, even when you feel you are doing all the right things, then just con­sider it a way to make you strong. Be in­spired With all the stresses and strains of mod­ern life, and the feel­ings of in­ad­e­quacy and cyn­i­cism these can gen­er­ate, it is easy to for­get the good things of which human be­ings are ca­pa­ble, such as friend­ship, char­ity, and self­less­ness, and to for­get how re­silient we can be. Peo­ple's hearts have be­come so hard they are not able to feel. Human be­ings have be­come so sen­si­tive and del­i­cate they are not able to tol­er­ate the slight­est thing. But this is not what human be­ings should be. Human be­ings are so clever, they can make the im­pos­si­ble pos­si­ble. If some­one does some­thing with in­sight and faith and trust, it is going to work out. Be in­spired by oth­ers and re­mem­ber that all human be­ings are ca­pa­ble of great things - in­clud­ing you. Self Es­teem Self-es­teem comes when I re­ally value my­self: When I place value on my­self, then oth­ers, too, will value me. When I don't value my­self, how can I ex­pect oth­ers to value me? If I con­tin­u­ously put my­self down, say­ing * I'm no good or * I am not ca­pa­ble, other peo­ple who hear this will start be­liev­ing it. So what do I do? The key word is 'con­scious­ness'. As I start to make my con­scious­ness pos­i­tive by cre­at­ing pos­i­tive thoughts many times in the day about my­self like * I am the most for­tu­nate soul in the uni­verse or * I am a vic­to­ri­ous soul, I can­not ex­pe­ri­ence fail­ure in any step in life or * I am a self sov­er­eign soul, ruler of my sense or­gans or * I am a de­stroyer of ob­sta­cles or * I am a spir­i­tual rose flower who spreads the fra­grance of di­vine qual­i­ties or sim­i­lar thoughts, I be­come spir­i­tu­ally alert, then I am in a po­si­tion to start valu­ing my life and as I start valu­ing my­self, I de­velop self-con­fi­dence. The ef­fect of this is that I start valu­ing oth­ers, un­der­stand­ing that every­one has their own po­si­tion: not higher or lower, just dif­fer­ent. Each one's unique­ness has its value. Soul Sus­te­nance Con­scious­ness There are two dif­fer­ent basic lev­els of con­scious­ness; * I am a body (which is il­lu­sory (false)) or * I am a soul, (which is real). When the feel­ing is * I am a body, the thought process is trapped in the lim­i­ta­tions, prob­lems and vi­sion of the phys­i­cal iden­tity. Its re­ac­tion to oth­ers is on the same level. Given below is an aware­ness-thought-de­ci­sion-ac­tion-re­sult cycle in the case of a typ­i­cal fa­ther-son re­la­tion­ship. You will no­tice the dif­fer­ence con­scious­ness can make to the cycle. Aware­ness Body Con­scious­ness: I am the fa­ther. I know the most. Soul Con­scious­ness: I am a soul. My nat­ural state is love and peace. Thought Body Con­scious­ness: My son should lis­ten to me as he is my own flesh and blood. Soul Con­scious­ness: My son is a soul too. As a soul he is my brother. De­ci­sion Body Con­scious­ness: I will teach him a les­son. Soul Con­scious­ness: I will re­spect his idea also. Ac­tion Body Con­scious­ness: Fa­ther ar­gues with son. Soul Con­scious­ness: Fa­ther and son dis­cuss with re­spect. Re­sult Body Con­scious­ness: Ill feel­ing be­tween fa­ther and son. Soul Con­scious­ness: Re­spect main­tained. Mes­sage for the day Pa­tience brings har­mony in re­la­tion­ships. Pro­jec­tion: When there is a mis­un­der­stand­ing in a re­la­tion­ship we hardly put in any ef­fort in order to un­der­stand the other per­son. We tend to be­come im­pa­tient and we don't lis­ten to the other per­son to un­der­stand them. Be­cause of which we start in­vent­ing things about them. This only fur­ther in­creases the mis­un­der­stand­ing. So­lu­tion: When we have a dif­fer­ence of opin­ion with some­one, we need to give some time to un­der­stand and lis­ten to the other per­son. Only then will we be able to un­der­stand the other per­son's point of view. This prac­tice will en­able us to fin­ish any mis­un­der­stand­ing we have with oth­ers and brings har­mony in re­la­tion­ships.

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